Antler Coloring Mule Deer & Elk
DIY Antler Coloring
Whats up we’re going to take and color some antlers, I’m Josh from damnit Raider? This is Landon without a traitor and been getting a lot of requests on. You know people asking how do I color my antlers? How do I do this? How do I do that? With them broken tines the whole nine we’re going to do some broken tines, but another good. Another video is going to, be about broken tines. Today we’re going to try to just over the antlers its a pretty good shape. There is a little bit of cracking and you’ve got your your your dark spots of like moss and stuff. We’ve boiled out the skull a little bit. Try to clean it up and get rid of some of that stuff will do bleaching on that later. But for now we’re going to we’re going to try to apply some color to these forms, and hopefully we don’t mess them up.
There’s a lot of a lot of different ways to do it, there’s millions of different ways to do it, and not one of thems right or wrong. It really all depends on how you like it we’re going to use a way. That’s worked for me one of the ways its worked for me. I’ve done it a million different ways too, and it all depends on antlers and the condition and even where they were and stuff um first step. Just your basic kernel, oil and some paper, towels yeah, take it is messy, so don’t do it in your wife or moms nice kitchen. That’s why we’re out here in the garage already got threatened.
So basically you want to apply the oil liberally. I mean you want to put quite a bit of oil on these things, and the way I like to do it is is pretty much just saturate a paper towel and just start making sure every bit of these antlers are covered, and you know anyone good and Just force into that you do this, you want to let that oil sit on there a little bit. How long is pretty much? It just depends on the antlers. If there’s really no set time, I I’ll let it sit on there and then come back to it and test the spot or or check a spot, but you want to let it sit on there make sure it gets in. There really good make sure every goal will crack the crevices absorb it or you’ll have different colors in your horns, depending on hunger toils, where
Plus you got other areas that might be a little drier that just soak it up, so you might have to reapply a Little one over here, so we got it all rolled up, we’re going to. Let it sit we’re probably going to. Let it sit about 15 minutes max and give her a try. So see you, fifteen five folks we’re back. Its been about 15 minutes and all the way looks like its done really good soaking in so now we’re going to give her a little bit of help. I I like to use a piece of rag towel whatever, when I do this instead of paper towel. If you can use paper towel to blend it in but or to apply it, but it doesn’t blend very well because it just fall apart. Color color is strictly up to you. I personally like using red oak number 215. When I do it, there are some other colors that I’m going to use a lot of also, and this one I don’t use. I only use when they’re good apart Whites, not a lot of issues, because it is really light color, but its early American number 230.
But when they’re, when they’re a little bit older a little bit drier some cracking and stuff like that, the red oak is better. Now this step literally takes time time, patience, anything that you put on and you don’t like he’s signing to kind of thin it back out, remove it, but for the most part, there’s a lot of rubbing involved with this, because the the stains not going to paint To the antler, That’s what the oil does so I’ll make sure that it doesn’t just suck in like a sponge and look really bad, so you’ll be able to actually work this thicker in spots thinner in spots, but this is uh and this color that we’re using Might not be right for these these particular antlers it might have to take a different color. So what I do is I’ll just start putting it on just like this and don’t get ahead of yourself, but don’t overwork a spot too fast too soon, meaning what I mean by that is don’t go and try to do the whole will set a antlers right At once do certain little spots and just kind of apply it and actually apply this kind of thick to start once its on the spot, apply it again.
Lets see you can see or not, but I’ve got it literally just pretty much dripping as I rub it from what it looks like what it is. It lightens up a lot, and that is your oil. That’s allowing it to be there for the bass, just a cheap, nothing special, see, it’ll depend on individual over daylight leave that alone for a minute, so I deployed everything then wiped it off we’re going to. Let that sit down good luck! The stain sit on there. We’ve dropped it on rubbed it off. It looks really good. there’s some spots. Some spots, That’s rough, so here we’re going to take down another people. Read this one clear out the home for your color, I’m working with we’re going to take our xylene saturator xylene works. The best, as opposed to thinner just because it doesn’t it, doesn’t take it off fast, this time, yeah, its a little more mild we’re going to find spots like the tips rub those really spots that are really really dark. Those down. This is support you just That’s better.
The biggest thing is not not to dwell on certain spots yeah, but if you have a troubled spot and you’ve done a lot of work to it already, leave it alone for a little bit and move on to the end. Other spots of the antler and what you little start noticing is you’ll start blending the rest of the antler with it. That’s one thing that I’ve learned over all of them I colored is I’ve, sat and worked and worked and worked at the same spot and to the point its not work. Its just maybe it’d be completely different baby in today, theater stage, but if you leave it and start going back over, the other part of the antlers you’ll start noticing that that spot that you thought was in issues now you don’t notice it she’s on it. Yeah on that tip, we can try to sand some of that smooth Beverly like that yeah. Its looking good. I got like I’m 120 grit here, basically with it, its just you wanted, you don’t want it there in standing or just a quick icebox with That’s what you think. So That’s That’s the thing we do. there’s there’s not a perfect. there’s! No perfect! Color perfect!
You know way to do it it just its doing it until it gets to the point that you like it or it starts to look right in your opinion, but if you’re trying to make everything the same same lines, same colors, same shades, you’re, never ever going to do just you got to pretty much. Do it to the point that you like, and what we got going here, which I think it looks pretty dang good yeah. I mean, I honestly, don’t think we need to mess with it anymore tonight and you think we need to to let it sit and dry, because I mean even though its you can touch it, its still not dry. You know cuz its porous and just like any color any paint any time it always looks different way, yep, so there you have it for now. I hope land in here did tonight helps answer questions and makes it to where you guys feel a little more confident in in coloring your own antlers and playing with them and and gives you some ideas. Some we’re going to do a bunch more videos.
We’re going to do a whole bunch more videos on fixing tines stuff, like fixing Pines, bleaching, skulls, coloring different types of antlers. We do some stuff with antlers that are hard white, really chalky and we’ll do some different shades. But this is the first first of many to come for antler trader to help you guys out, make sure to post your pictures and share with us and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Let us know how you guys do and if there’s something out there, you want to see your have done. We’ve been more than happy to help you out, give you advice and tips, so I’m Josh, damn chair and good luck, have fun, go find some morons
Hunting, Mule Deer, Antlers, Sheds,
Antler Coloring Mule Deer, Antler Coloring Mule Deer, Antler Coloring Mule Deer, Antler Coloring Mule Deer, Antler Trader, Antler Trader, Antler Trader, Antler Coloring Mule Deer, Antler Coloring Mule Deer