Elk Antler Repair & Coloring DIY Antler Trader

Elk Antler Repair

HI guys hI guys what’s going on so here we go we’re going to do a little DIY. Antler, repair and color got a broken tine this. This is sweet, datatype buddy, I know picked up and it had this broken forth right here, so we’re going to g4. So we’re going to fix the g4 and then do a color, but the way I do it tiger I like to use actually antler, I don’t like using the plaster, bondo or or any of that stuff guys. I like to fix the antler with antler. That’s just how I am there’s a lot of guys out there that do it different ways they do a phenomenal job. This is just my way. This is the way I do it. I’M always always watching other guys YouTube stuff to see how they do it see. If there’s anything in there that I can use the way, I do it to make it better easier or just something I didn’t know but yeah. This is the way I do it, and I’ve already started with the time I you know I did this.

I’M actually doing this in my office right now, just because it’s so hot outside I normally do it in my in my off and my garage, but I’m doing it in the office that way, I can record it and still be in the AC, for you guys. So yeah, so this is kind of a makeshift setup as far as where we’re doing it. So what I did was, I already found a time that matched pretty much the circumference here and the overall length now we’re going length we’re basing the length off of the other side just because, for the most part of this bowl is pretty symmetrical. The only thing on him – that’s not within you know an inch is this g5 on him. This rights, this left side g5, is way longer than that right side, but everything else all all the other times are about the same.

So we decided to delete this leave. This one, the exact you know about the same as the other side too, so what we’ve done was we’ve already went and found it cut it lined it all up, we’re going to show you a few guys have done this right here I mean you can see It right there. I hope you guys have already found the time that you’re going to use. Then you can come in, and this is where we’re going to show you how I do it. So here goes hI guys. So a pause for second collected everything. I need to get these two pieces attached here and good sturdy and ready to go for blending and coloring. So, okay, so I’ve got what I do is I use a dowel metal down right here. I’ve got a 16 inch pinning nail that I actually I just kind of cut the head off off the end of it and then kind of scratched it up roughed it up a little bit with some sandpaper. What I do is you’re going to need a drill in a drill bit, but I try to go with the drill, but I could try to go just a little bit bigger than what I’m using, but not not too much, and what I got here is, I Think it’s a sit 1364, its size drill bit and then I’ve got my gorilla, glue electrical tape and this right now I’m using this Elmer’s two-part partner, wood repair, but normally I don’t use that very often am I. I prefer jb weld wood repair and it’s a two-part. You actually need it together. That stuff is awesome.

I I thought I had some and I’m out, but this over stuff, for something like this works perfect. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to drill this and then glue it and attach it, but we’re going to show you guys all step-by-step. So, first off you can’t just drill a hole straight and call it good unless you’re going to tell your whole big, really really big compared to the feature work, and so you can move it around, but you want to try to line it up the way you Want it, and without way you know that you’re going to be offset a little bit one way or another. You know what I mean like, because obviously the antlers not perfect you’re going to have to blend it. So you want to make sure that your lines on one side or do you want them, so you can hide. The other side is what I’ve come. Sir. Okay.

So that’s going to angle, but it’s favoring this side of the end. Okay, I’m going to pause. Let me show you okay, so there is that hole on this side on the antler itself. I kind of just followed it at an angle, and I followed it in an angle down and then tried to be as close to center as far as the softer stuff. In the middle there, and then on this one, I offset this one doing it there. I offset this one on the left more towards the left and up a little bit that way when they’re together I mean it’s not going to be exact, but that way when they’re together this side, this side is perfectly lined up. This side has a little bit of an overhang, but it’s on the back inside. So it’s going to be easier to hide where I was.

This side is going to be perfect and blend nice, so that is why I drilled them like that. So, okay, now now that we showed you guys how the holes are set up, where I put our, are nailing right here, we’re going to try to see where it ends up by so we’ve got to go a little bit deeper, which is good because I’d rather Have to go a little bit deeper, then be too deep and we’re not even going to drill. It, though the nice thing about this stuff, is it’s soft enough. We can literally push that thing down in there. The way we want okay, so you got it in there. We need to have a little bit of a bend on this, not a lot just a little, so I’m just going to put it in there now. I do it this way that I don’t water out.

The holes holes too much so okay, so we got a little bit of a bend in that right. There put that in with that been going. The direction want to pour that down. Just like that, it’s perfect exactly work, so we’ve got it all set up the way we want it now. We need to make sure when we tape it together until the stuff dries that it it stays that way. So I’ll show you what to do with that government. Okay! Now we’re going to we’re going to do our gorilla glue here, I’m certain it’ll dry right now long as it’s still liquid. This bus still works to take everything apart, we’re going to get the surface wet like 32 and we’re going to just push it into that hole comes around right there and he sent them a mess.

I’M sure it’s being done in here. It’s pushed in this man because it is this part. This one is a little bit more dry than that this than this piece here. Yeah can push that on and then there’s going to be some excess. That’s fine! No we’re going to take our tape and because I want this side lined up, I like so I showed you. I want this side to line up. There’s got ta like a little salt blade here and I’m just going to use it to make sure this side right here stays flat once because the tape will move me any table work. Okay, now, we’ve got it all taped up, we’ve got it lined up.

We know kind of how we want it so we’re going to just let it sit and dry this guy’s let this time you know this. Is this parts important? Let it dry like don’t get carried away too soon, because you don’t want to you: don’t want to make stuff weak in sight everything let it do its job and follow the directions on whatever you glue. You use whether it be epoxy or or Gorilla Glue or anything but make sure it’s dry or you follow the dry on it. That’s probably the you know biggest most important thing that I’ve learned when gluing these things together so see in a couple hours, hI guys.

What’s up so we’re got so we got everything drying good! It’s been a couple days. I I’m going to start doing the recording to show you guys your coloring and everything in my demo battery was dead, so I decided to put on the charger get started on it. Anyways that way, I could kind of go through it a little bit differently with you guys we’re going to do the coloring on the other side, so we’re still going to show everything over here, but just I just have the broken cut, broken tine right here. So I’m going to show you what idea the hardy dozen coloring I’ve been working on lighting back up, bringing out some definition and some lines and stuff and then not blending this time. Here too, so you come be the camera and I’ll show you get that close!

Alright, so here we go, you can see where it’s a little bit white. That’s where I was using a file or a rasp to kind of break the edges down the most. I could and then I’ve added my two part that and stuff. I showed you guys right there. I’ve added that mixed that and I put it you guys. Look I can. If you can, you can tell like I just put a little bit on. I don’t get crazy with it and make it. You know from clear down here to clear up there I’ll dick. I just do it lightly right here, where my lines get out that way when it dries, I don’t have to sand so much because the more you stand on this antler, the more it’s going to change everything.

So I’ve got city guys something up. I don’t know if you can see that very well, but this antler is actually pretty dry. I mean it’s great. It’s it’s actually got that gray tint to it, so it absorbs like a sponge when you put anything on it and it usually doesn’t do it the way you want it to, and you know this is all raw right here I haven’t. I haven’t started trying to lighten this up yet, but up here is where I’m at and where I’ve been working, you can see come out pretty nice when there’s this dry and this old. Unfortunately, you do have to go a little bit darker. Normally I try to go a little a little light with a little bit more. You know different color in something like this, but when it’s dry like this, the light color just doesn’t do what you want it to do it absorbs in and it gets even lighter. It’s really hard to get it to apply the way you want, at least with leaving the antler originals, where it shows the lines and everything that you want. You don’t want to. You know hide that stuff, so stay tuned or you’re going to keep at it. We’re back here we go so still let the stuff over there dry new stuff thing with the pillar and everything.

So I’m going to go to this side now. I do got a little bit of work to do on this side. You all ready so now what I do. I got a cup here and I like to use lacquer thinner, but when you’re working on a new look like this lacquer thinner goes way too fast. It just evaporates so I use I use paint thinner, which is pretty much like a lacquer thinner, but it lasts. You know it lasts a little bit longer and then I use an oil oil based oil. Color basically paint this one. Normally, when I do it I’ll do a red, not red red, for, like a burgundy for a Ross, TN Sienna. I use this one a lot too for that lighter look, but on the elk a lot of the times on the first look later I’ll use it raw skin. But for the most part, I like a lot of burnt umber for the elk, just because it’s got that it’s just got that right. Look in my opinion now. The way I do this is not necessarily the way the right way or the only way. This is just another way that I found other people before me have done it. I’M not invent. We’ve met in the will here or anything, but what I do here is I’ve got said I’ve got. I got this little cup here follows my thinner that I can just dip my brush in and I’ll fix them in this burnt umber. Then I’m going to put this stuff on I’m going to try to put this on pretty thick. I don’t want to water or cut it down too much to start just because of how dry it is.

I want the I want a good, solid color to go to absorb in not you know how to thin cut down watery, basically color in there. Basically I’ll come get the camera too and show you what it’s going to look like the start and then do it pretty thick down here on the base. Obviously, space abilities pretty thick good. Okay, so see what we got here, put it on really thick. That’s where you know I’m starting to light now, but put it on okay, so and put it on thick. You can see now right now, we’ve got, we’ve got it on thick. So what we’re going to do is I fill my cup back up here with dinner and I’m going to take my brush and I’m going to soak it. I mean I’m going to soak this thing and I’m just going to start rubbing it all over, especially on spots where it looks like it might be thicker than others, because you’ll get that a little bit too. But what you’re doing here is this you’re you’re thinning it out, but you’re also blending it and running it down the antlers in the spots where it might not be quite as thick from spots that are thicker lightening it up a lot to doing this. Now I’m going to take my rag and put some on this okay, so I got my rally. I got a pretty saturated with good dinner. Now I’m just going to rub because Neutrality, mr

Stan start seeing it thin out lighten up okay,



Hunting, Mule Deer, Antlers, Sheds,


Elk Antler Repair, Elk Antler Repair, Elk Antler Repair, Elk Antler Repair, Elk Antler Repair

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