How To Score a Mule Deer Antler
Yeah hI guys, what’s going on guys, we are going to do a little video here today for you on scorn, antlers we’re just going to . Do a quick breakdown really quick on how this goes the name of each time on the scoresheet and where deploy your measurements from and how you should take them. I’M going to do a lot of explaining on some of these measurements. So hopefully it’s understandable for you guys, but if you have any questions, comment below and I’ll answer them on top of it make sure you hit that subscribe button and like for us, please we appreciate it. Oh ho, you were a deep, that’s how much we appreciate it same pageand on top of it don’t forget below. In the description column, we have our links to all our websites or social media or sponsors websites, plus promo codes, so check that out and make sure to hit that button.
Alright, let’s get started right. Okay, so you’ve got your typical four point with extras. What we’re going to do first is we are going to score this on the typical side and then we’re going to add our extras, but we’re going to actually go through and score it based off of what each x number is and the mass measurements so we’re going to stay in line and go from there, okay to start guys, what you want to do is you’re going to want to go through and you’re going to find, but you’re going to want to find all your start points, and, and what I mean by that Is is where are you going to start, this tape to measure this G to this from finger to finger right here is the g2 okay.
So where are we going to start that what you need to do is you need to find the line. Is that this time wasn’t even here off of this main beam, so one way and there’s a lot of ways to do this and guys just to be sure, you know that I am NOT a certified score. I do score a lot of antler, but this is in no way shape or form boone and crockett, Pope and young-se I approved just because I’m not certified. So if we take two flexible tape here – and we kind of go like that, basically, what we’re doing is we’re running the beam, the main beam as if that time wasn’t there is what we’re doing. So if you take this tape – and you put it right here like it’s on the beam and you run that down along the beam – that’s going to give you your line and same thing. So what we’re going to do to make this easy is we’re . going to take some tape. I’M going to go like that and, like I said, we’re going to go as if this beam this time wasn’t here, so we’re going to stick right. On top of this beam here, okay, so they said we’re going to start right on top of the main beam here, come over to the main top of the main beam here. No it doesn’t you just need to do baseline.
So right, there is going to , be our baseline right. There see how that works is if that beam, wasn’t even there or if this time was even there, that beams going to flow. Just like that see that or go through really quick and we’re going to do kind of all of these. For the most part same way, everything that’s over an inch long has got to have a start point. So there’s that one you hI okay, so we got everything taped up now as far as our time measurements, we did not tape the mass measurements just because I want the want to get all the time measurements done first and then I’ll take this stuff off. That way, you know cuz it with this measurements, not going to be an issue, but sometimes the tape or tags do get in the way of the mass measurement. You know it’s not a lot, it’s not that big of a deal, but I try to be as precise as I can that way. If anything, when I tell a guy a score of his antler is dear, I know for a fact that I’m going to be lower than any of fishel score and yeah, and I do that on purpose guys, just because I don’t want to be the bad guy, But all right, so we got it all taped off for our time measurements. Now. What we’re going to do is we’re going to start up and I’m we’re going to talk about each one of these and Britt’s going to Britt’s going to write him down.
Okay, so the first measurement you’re going to do is your main beam and I’m basically it’s an MB. So let’s just main beam: it’s not there’s! No, I don’t think there’s any special abbreviation for anything and then from there. Your next measurement is your eye guard, which is your g1. This is all your g1 adir either has a g1 or it does have a g1, but this is your g1. Your next measurement is your g2, and that is this time right here, the next time from your g1 that comes off the main beam all the way up to you know, however long it is, it could be this long I mean, but this is your next measurement. This is your g2 right here. The next measurement is your g3, and we’ve got this taped off. G3 comes into the g2. It never goes into the main beam or anything else into g3 on a mule. There always goes into the g2. If it’s not there, you basically got it g2 to a g4, you got a like white, tell style frame or a three-point, mule deer after your g3, you go to your g4. This is your g4 right here. That is all of the typical G measurements.
On a mule deer’, the next measurements you have after that or your mask measurements and those are there – those are called H’s. Does your H s so the first one is your h1, which is right here between the eye guard or the g1 and the bird and when you take your mass measurements guys you always find, though, the narrowest measurement, the smallest measurement. Between the two points, you don’t take the biggest measurement you take the smallest measurement between the two points. Your next measurement is your h2, and that is between your g1 and your g2, so anywhere in here. This, the smallest measurement from here to here, basically got that your next measurement is your h3, and that is on your g2. That is right here and the same thing that is between your main beam right here and and your g3. So, if you’re pulling your line right here on your g3, you need to make sure that, from over here down to the main beam is where you take your mass measurement, and that is your h3, and that is the smallest measurement right there and your last measurement Mass measurement is your h4, and that is between the g4 and the g2. It’s right there. Now, if you do not have a t3. So let’s say this is a three point, all right. G3.
So, let’s take a three point: for instance, you’re going to take your h3 measurement you’re going to go on your g2. So basically, what you do is because we don’t have a g3 coming off of this to have a stop point to go from. Maybe the g3 you’re going to take the total measurement, the total length of your g2 from from main beam to tip – and let’s say it’s 10 inches – that’s way longer than 10 inches, but for simplicity, 10 inches to take your h3 mass measurement. You find this short. The exact dead center of your 10 inches, so, let’s say five inches – is right there. That is exactly where you take that mask measurement, not that 4 inches here or 3 inches there. It’s split in half you take it right. There got that okay, so we’ve got this antler all taped up now. What we’re going to do is we’re going to start taking our measurements. Oh, your extras have to be an inch or more and they can’t be wider than they are longer. That makes sense anything. That’s not an inch is not squirrels, so that is not scorable.
That is not scorable data squirrel all right, you’re going to want to take the back side of the antler and go right down to the Burr and put it right on that. Basically, where the wax ring was or whatever you know guys, but we’re going to start right there on that bird and if you turn it see them, I’m not cheating it in any way. It’s right on that birth and we’re going to just going to run this tape up the backside of this main beam, all the way top. Now, when you score you score an eight or you can round down like I do on a lot of that. You know that right there is actually about 23 and 3/8. I would give that almost 23 and a half. I would round that down to 23 and two eights when I’m scoring for a client or or to sell an antler, but that’s 23 and 3/8. So we’re going to write that down right here on main beam. 23. 3/8.
Now we’re going to move to our g1. All right now, we’ve got all the lines cut, so this is going to be super easy, so we’re going to go right there at the tape, go all the way up to the tip and I’m going to call that three inches. I mean it’s right there. You can see it so we’re going to come over here to our g1. We’re going to give that a three okay. Now we’re going to move through the g2, and since we’ve got all our tape same thing, we’re going to start it right at the bottom right on the line and we’re going to run it right up the backside of the antler [ Music ]. It’s like about 13 inches we’re going to . Stop it right at 13, 12. Our og to next is to g3. We’re go right in the middle right there, where we started that bad boy, their sheet up, that’d, be the top, and it looks like we’ve got. I’M going to say 10 and 5/8 and then our g4 is next and we’re going to go right to the bottom of the tape right there run that tape all the way up this beam for time. Excuse me, [, Music ] looks like we got 12 and 5/8 right there.
Okay. Now we got our h’s guys, our mass measurements, so the first one is our h1. What we’re going to do is we’re going to run this tape and run it to where we’re going to check all spots. So we got five and four eights there mmm five and six eighths there, seven eight five and five eighths, I’m five eighths right. There make sure it’s all the way around evenly yep, so we got five and three eighths first match my mass measurement h1 and now we’re going to go to our h2, which is between the G 1 and the G to the 5. Let’s move down, we got 4 & 7. There five-five call that four and seven eighths, the smallest on that H, two is four and seven eighths.
Next up is our H. Three, our H 3 is between the main beam and the G 3 small spa on that. We’Ll call that 4 4 4, I’m going to , say that’s a 4 and then last mass mass measurement is our H 4, which is between the g4 and the G. 2. First measurement is 5 right. There, four and seven eighths there five. So we’re going to call that four and seven eight. Now, if I was doing this for a client or to sell this antler, I would not be doing the exact eights on this. I would actually probably draw all of those down to four and a half four. Like this one, I go three and seven seven, five.
Okay, now our E’s are extras. We just got done measuring the typical frame on this deer on this shed now we’re going to do the extras. It doesn’t matter what order you go in at all when you’re doing these measurements, you just want to make sure you don’t miss any or double measure them on these extras, so try to keep track and make sure if you got a whole bunch more extras.
Okay, so we’re going to start on the top. It’s just cuz. It was easy, a spot to line upand this around looks like that extras. We’re going to call that extra three and two eights just to be safe, and then this extra right here, yeah I’m going to , say that is one and six all right now. We’ve got all our measurements here. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to add them up really quick and I’ll – probably just fast forward this part and we’ll come back to yes, calculator, alright, guys there you go so that Allen right. There are the typical four point frame antler on on on this is 81 in 6/8 and then with the two extras added in it’s 86 and 6/8. So there you go so that’s how you score um.
Hopefully that answers any questions. There’s, I know, there’s still a lot of variables out there and possibilities as far as where to pull a tape, how to pull a tape on some extra times and hopefully, one day we’ll be able to put something together. You know multiple series as far as stuff like that, that answer those questions. That’s going to be a big part of what our vlog is about to hear in 2017. Thank you, yeah. Absolutely thanks guys. So I said, if you guys got any questions, make sure you ask in the comments and be sure to check out that description box so take care, have fun and we’ll see ya next time you
Hunting, Mule Deer, Antlers, Sheds,
How To Score a Mule Deer Antler, How To Score a Mule Deer Antler, How To Score a Mule Deer Antler, How To Score a Mule Deer Antler, How To Score a Mule Deer Antler, How To Score a Mule Deer Antler