Monster Bull Elk Shed Hunting “INQUEST 2018” Antler Trader

Monster Bull Elk Shed Hunting

What’s up guys? Okay, here we go is Tuesday the week of shed Fest. I got two free days here. I got a bunch stuff done this weekend, so I decided I’m going to go, get a get another elk shed trip in before shed fest we’re racing the clock we’re getting to the point to where the heats going to start coming and and the trips are going to start winding down so any free days. I get right now, man, I’m I’m going, I’m out, I’m I’m after sheds, because it’s coming to an end quickly, then as hot as it got early and as dry as it’s been. I don’t think I’m going to get to go as long as I did last year, so we’re out it’s morning Tuesday morning and packs on waters loaded up and we’re ready to go. I appreciate all the love and support you guys have been giving me on the past. Videos means a lot we’re we’re we’re closing in on that 10,000 sub number I’d really like to hit that buy by the time we start hunting this year, if at all possible.

So if you guys could help me out get over that hit that 10 mark I’m working on some giveaways and stuff with some of our partners, so yeah hit that share button. For me, let’s get some more people on this channel. Let’s make this thing: keep poppin me and being kind of had been talking and giving each other a hard time about who’s going to pass, who he got a hell of a bump and I’m gaining on him because of you guys and your love and support, I’m Gaining on him, I’m gaining him on on him quick. So let’s beat him to 10 grand to see you guys in a bit HI guys, hi. It’s been about four hours now, four and a half hours since I left camp, I’m just the stuff that I started hitting has in people sign, left and right just from stuff from when the ground was wet, which the storm it’s been quite a while, since we Had a storm like pretty much since before they started dwell about time, they originated shedding.

So I wasn’t too worried about it, but, as I started getting getting going, I got up in some softer stuff and started catching newer stuff um, some trash, you name it just kind of been deflated a little bit on my spot selection here, but I had a Back-Up plan, I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to take the route that I’ve taken and I think I’m glad I did because I can see some antlers sticking up through the brush over here and it’s an elk shed obviously and an elk said. You see a couple times I had to bust my butt and go clear across this Canyon and get up on the other side and the reason I picked this because there is not a closed Road. I’m I mean the closest road right now. It’s probably about 5 out 5 miles. Excuse me: it’s taking me about 4 hours to get where I’m at 4 and a half hours. I think I could be pushing 5 um. I don’t know exactly well, that’s good! Take a look! Oh! It’s a Deadhead ooh ooh holy Sh holy holy [, __, ] whoa, guys whoa holy crap. Look at the Third’s on that thing, holy crap, the extra in the back right there kick it out.

Oh man, look at that bees! Oh it’s been here. A while now too long now I mean the antlers. Aren’t that bad I mean they’re , not very crack whoa. Oh my god guys! Oh my god. Oh I thought Bulls got to be three. Ninety four hundred I’ve got to be pushing that four hundred more little weak on the back, but man everything else is just giant. I’m going to take some pictures, really quick I’ll, be right back, hey guys, HI guys. Hopefully you can see it all. What a stud man, what a stud he’she’s a little short on the back end, but man, those fronts are ginormous, hey those thirds extra on the back, so big, so heavy I mean my hands are barely I mean my fingers can’t touch anywhere. Hopefully, I’m getting everything in you guys can see it all Wow, guys absolutely Wow, so heavy man that made it worth it right there that hike across that and up that Canyon made that worth it right there. Maybe we can find some more years off this bowl out here for offspring. Even I wish I knew exactly how long you’d been on the ground. I mean the backsides got color too it’s still even, but who knows where you sit and he could have just been in a good spot to not weather very bad, what a stud just absolute stud whoo. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, man. I might have to cut these two pack. This we’ll see what the pack looks like unreal, absolutely unreal, what a day, what a day! Well, it’s been a couple more hours since I found anything just putting on the miles, I’m a little baffled to be honest with ya. I’ve seen three shed bulls all with growth.

One of them actually is coming out past. His he’s got about five inches on the G Tuesday and going out past, but I haven’t found anything else until that little choker. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mmm. It’s seen better days. I don’t get it oh well, just keep going. They got ta be in here somewhere, we’ll find pocket all right. What’s up guys, it’s the day has come to an end. It’s about 8 o’clock right now. I just got back to the truck started it for a minute warmed it up. I was sweating so much. It’s it’s cold outside it’s in the lower 40s right now with the wind, so the sun’s going down and my undershirt was sweaty. So oh yeah change that bad boy out started. The truck up for a minute got a warm in here and now I’m getting ready to get out and get the canvas cutter set up. I’m going to set up in the bed of the truck again tonight and get some dinner eight man what a day slow, slow, slow. I haven’t even looked so many miles. I did I’d put on some miles, though I, besides that one shocker and that deadhead I just I don’t think I don’t think where I ended up, is where they shed. I just I don’t I don’t foresee it. I didn’t see any human sign when I finally got back as far as I did I didn’t see, but I didn’t see a lot of fresh elk sign either I mean there’s elk sign there, but nothing within the last month. I wouldn’t I wouldn’t think so. It’s just not country they’re , shedding in saw Bulls, sob wills growing, but no sheds, no hard White’s one old shocker, and that’s it. I think what I’m going to do is what I’m going to do is get to bed early tonight get some sleep. Then I got about four hours.

Last night, four and a half get some sleep and then I’m going to get up at the crack of dawn and move and pretty much in doubt tomorrow in a new spot. Hopefully I can get into some Browns or or something anyways. I’m going to get my boots off, get some dinner going and get my bed ready to go I’ll, see you guys in bit come up on a brownie. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You know. We’ve gone a little bit. Not a very big bowl got ta. Make jet, but it’s something we’ll take it and keep going across and getting off this finger right now, I’m just going to keep shooting across it and then drop down and into some of these canyons and hopefully get away from people. That’s planned see how it goes. All right guys, it’s uh! It’s been about an hour since the loss when I found the last brownie we’re just busting up and down these fingers just trying to cover country trying to find out basically we’re looking for scrap stuff that people’s missed a lot of work. A lot a lot of work, I’m glass and as much as I can where I can, but we finally got another one.

We got another brownie, hiding right there and deadfall actually might be the other side to the one I have on my pack right now. Take a couple pictures really quick and we’ll see all right. It is not the same Bowl just another little brown, a couple of brown Rogers. I keep circling around in here for a minute and then keep doing what we’re doing up and down up and down hi. What’s up guys, so I am back over here down in the shade, which is right back not very far 20 30 yards and I could see who say, having kept you in a drink, I can see through the brush. Just it’s like something just white like how what is that, so I pull up my by knows why I’m sitting there and I’m probably 50 yards away and it’s an antler. But what’s crazy is I’m walking up here and it’s a white antler and I can see a brown set right here. So let’s look at this one. First, what’s up big antler like big antlers like stupid? Third, look at that back in though that thing’s 22 inches easy, decent front, broken on one, just a big, big antler, and then thank you. Thank you. Thank you for that and then laying right here, side by side, Chris Brown said. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Oh man, guys that gets me pumped yesterday, now bury me antler Lots walking today’s been about the same. It’s later in the day. Right now, I don’t even know what time it is found a couple brownies and now that that’s cool. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I’m going to take some HI guys. I am done. This son has pretty much start. It’s pretty much said on the horizon. I think it’s seven o’clock 7:30 somewhere in there, so it’s like 8:00 8:30. It probably is how I how I run time. I’m done it was a good trip, but it could have been better in all honesty. Itit started out high high high hopes and then got kicked right in the junk for the rest of the day and today started out super slow, swoops. Just super low lots of people signed so much people signing. I was just able to get on a little Ridge and get out as far far enough to get into some country that nobody said yet, and I turned up a couple horns. So thank God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, figure I’ll show you guys real quick. What we can do, there’s that little brown it’s not a set, but that little brown those two little Browns. That’s nice Brown set it’s just a nice bowl, not a giant that donkey had to cut that.

Dang thing to pack it and then that big old just stunt just stead of a bowl with absolutely no thirds whatsoever. It’s a big horn, so you get loaded up and get on the road. I’m tired got a long drive and then we got shet Fest this weekend. So it’s a good trip. This is a really good trip, I’ll be be out there having fun and hopefully picking up a bunch of deer in the process, so guys are coming shad fest. Thank you and I’ll, see you guys there, everybody else, please like subscribe comment and let’s get this thing going, so we can be bin and I go like we’re . Talking and I’ll put a I’ll put a prize pack together see how many prizes we can give out to different people, so we’ll figure something now we we appreciate you. Thank you guys and we’ll see you next time.


Hunting, Mule Deer, Elk, Antlers, Sheds,


Monster Bull Elk Shed Hunting, Monster Bull Elk Shed Hunting, Monster Bull Elk Shed Hunting, Monster Bull Elk Shed Hunting, Monster Bull Elk Shed Hunting, Monster Bull Elk Shed Hunting

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