Shed Fest 2019 Antler Trader

Shed Fest – Bring It On!

All right we’re headed to shed Fest 2019, I’m Lola event that we put on anybody’s invited, and we all this camp and chat and tell stories back to right in the head yeah, it’s a great time. Every single year we always face a little bit of weather on the first day and then it like magically just the Sun comes out and it’s perfect weather, huh yep every single time. Every time, it’s something different, that’s what we’re hoping for for this year. I know there are some people that are in camp already that have sent some pictures of snow, but we’ve had snow on the ground when we’ve set up our tents before so all hope has not been lost and whatever happens we will just drive to where we Can find Chet no matter what it does not stop us brynlee has decided to stay back. She’s got some more canned stuff that she’s going to do so she will not be joining us. This is her first year to not be on shed, vest and sad about it, but we got Shay back there and all his personality will fill the show you how you guys, like his beaver cut the bird it looks pretty hairy. I need a haircut drop, we’re on the road and we’ll check in here, as we go, probably about a three-hour drive, we’ll see in a bit see you guys all right we’re pulling in. I don’t know how far how much further up this road we had. Oh, we have a mile, we got some sideways sleet coming in, it should be fun, muddy, roads really muddy roads. Good thing we aren’t hauling. Anything Max is just sitting here, relaxed and hung girl. Are we there? Yet andrew is like she is baking, her brains out in here, she’s been hot the whole time, even though it’s only 34 degrees, and some people have already found some sheds. I’ve heard tip.

Oh just a few people here, y’all set up in the truck, doesn’t so cold on you want to cuddle up in there little chilly we’re making some dinner boys are standing by the campfire over there and it is 34 degrees. Oh and our truck is dirt. Hey just son looks like it’s going to be peeking its head out, and hopefully tomorrow it will be not ready. I don’t care if it’s cold, but I just rather it not be raining cos. We all know how fun it is to hike in the rain. In the mud, slipping and sliding everywhere, Oh we’ll do it. If we have to so camp is set up and people are pulling in little by little. Some of them are probably getting scared away by the snow and rain, but that’s alright, the ones that are going to tough it out or here so looking forward to a fun weekend. Here we are said fast 2019. This is how we always started out. The next day is pink tops and shorts. So hope you guys right good, good good.

You got the memo yeah. It always starts out like this, but tomorrow it’s supposed to be nice and dry for us, so usually Fridays. This is a travel day anyways for everybody set it up and just kind of get to know each other, so we’ve probably got. Maybe a quarter of the people that are supposed to be here could have a few that was out on us. You know we’re off to a great start: Tacey and Austin are here looking to find a place, but is it so muddy for their trailer they’re spinning their tires, though it takes to that cow steering G on over there j-just make it funnier, what’s up guys special Care in the house, Jordan, booty, alright, guys. This is one of the shed hunting groups here shed past 2019. This is our sixth year doing this. We battled through the snow last night and the claps tent one group of people did leave in the middle of the night. We don’t know who it was yet, but we’ve had a lot of people back out and we’ve also had a lot of people become. So it’s going to be going to , be real interesting. These guys already got an elk had some guys find one yesterday. So here we go. Let’s go see if we can pick up and then tonight we’re doing giveaways, yeah, buddy, yeah dude, it’s good right on Congrats

What up guys so it’s late afternoon, you think we’re sitting in like 12 or 13 miles and we’re . Finally, on the board and it’s a long, one time I seen one Tyne sticking up from way over there on that point, I’m sitting up there glossing and glossing out through this just flat, grass and sage and other brush, and I’m like that looks Like a point, but as you guys know how many times if we thought it was an antler and you get over there and it’s stick or you get closer better view, and it’s stick the downside to this antler, the closer I got the harder it was to See so I just kept going figure. Well, maybe I’ll find something on the way if it’s not, and it is nice little shed so shut this 2019 and we are on the board. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

There’s been quite a few antler picked up already. Just not from us, the snow has completely just jacked everything up for us, we’re going to snap, some pics of this guy and then get back up on top and do some more gloss and through this vast open country. So there it is. You come check it out, dad I’m pretty sure there might be. Do you like, shut hunting yeah, that’s pretty fun. What do you look for like here Haller? What’s that right there what’s a well! I bet there’s a couple more. You won’t find another hang on to that. One where’s there, no good job, there’s another one somewhere I’ll bet, there’s one more somewhere. Let’s go better circle, real hard look around. You ate that sometimes they shot them pretty close to each other going to match. Up that same hand, I think it might be this way. yeah. We might find a couple more in the morning when you got more sunlight, a lot of the younger kids that we normally do. The kid shed before just didn’t make it this year. So we had one little guy in camp this year and we just hid October 8. We had a few antlers for him to find, and tomorrow we’re going to hide a couple more for him.

So just make his day that’s kind of what we do. I mean we love to see the kids getting involved and getting out there so got to keep them excited and motivated about the outdoors. So they continue to stay in the outdoors. So we need more hunters all right. So now we are going to go over everybody’s. Pretty much ate, we got a big fire going now. We’re going to go raffle off a whole bunch of awesome, awesome stuff, it’s going to be a good raffle. Let’s go check it out hi! So thank you everybody for coming this year. This is the sixth year that we have done the fifth year, but this is the sixth. The shed best that we put on every year has had its own challenges. As far as weather goes, I was actually hoping that this year would be a little bit different because it’s almost a month later than we know yeah, and how long does because of weather in all the states that had closures, we decided to wait till after me.

So it’s my bad on the weekend and the weather conditions, but thank you very much for coming out the reason we you know we started doing this way back in the day was just to kind of say thanks to everybody, for the support and to get the hot with people that say they share the same passions and like minds and everything in the outdoors, and we get a lot of requests to go juggling little guys, and I wish I could shed on with everybody. It’s just it’s life and if there’s always so much going on that, we never can so we decided to start doing this.

So we could get to meet a lot of guys and make new friends and and hopefully bring other people together and build friendships from there. As well and it’s been, it’s been a lot of fun. You guys have made it awesome. I appreciate it very much Saturday night around the fire. You know we do a big giveaway with you know, a bunch of great people and companies back us on it and give us some cool things to give away and everybody we try to make to where everybody gets something. So that’s kind of what we’re getting ready to do now so yeah. Thank you very much for everything guys. You guys are awesome. Thanks, Josh, all right winner, the amateur t-shirt is Casey. Our man myth the legend. Yeah get your name out there. Yeah. Also, we reached out sonic or five for a giveaway. Are these just one state one state yeah, so we got for one state Onix, but they donated to this event. All right Ellis tell us about what you guys got going all word: dicted antlers salmon, John. What’s a Morgan, we just shut hunt so with YouTube its addicted to it, to hear that guys addicted to antlers on YouTube check them out. For us. We appreciate it: [, Music, ].

All right, we got a marsupial t-shirt,tell us about it. We got here boys all right, so I got a couple of vinyl stickers here. Second, life outdoors and my buddy Eric over there on the camera, we’re new to the whole social media deal, and so we went and bought where you guys at Instagram Facebook Instagram. We started the YouTube thing. Last year we tried to film and hunt same time, didn’t work out for vortex crossfire or the 8 by 40 twos for you, archery hunters and some harness as well, and a couple stickers: , showing off the guns, focus all right, so we’re pretty excited.

Oh yeah, I’m Casey, remember this talk. You guys already know that actually found bigger story anyway. No we’re pretty we’re pretty stoked cuz. As soon as we found out that Josh and Brett were moving to Idaho, we were like you guys. We’ve got to get you in the store and we really wanted them to join our team, and so that happened this spring. We’re pretty excited yeah. Thank you awesome. You guys are awesome. We brought just a whole box of stuff. We’ve got a couple of different backpacks, some hats, some shirts, I think, there’s a lot of stuff in your eyes. Guys awesome awesome, stuff, Carson,Austin, putting back in there because we got more stuff.

Okay, these are hydration bags, so they come with my hydration bladders and yeah they’re , pretty cool little day pack has a rifle scabbard bow carrier. Yeah awesome awesome thanks, guys. Welcome yeah. This is the no mesh dress kit. These things are pretty cool from Ontrack outdoors. This is a game cleaning kits [ Applause, ]. Okay, we got my mother game cleaning kit, who is our winner? We’ve got a loophole by no harness Casey Hollingsworth, hey, you got another loop old vinyl, harness Casey yard. Here’s, the Midland we’ve got the e ready emergency radio yeah. We could use this yesterday. Yeah, there’s weather alert, [ Applause ], sorry, but I got some ad tolling out bones. Just my little falling out bone check them out for us the two guys we appreciate thanks brother appreciate it come get one of these


Hunting, Mule Deer, Elk, Antlers, Sheds,

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