We Were So Close! Arizona Archery Hunt Vlog #3

Were So Close

Good morning, guys all right here we go day three right three day: three, it’s a bombing 28 degrees right now we’re going to hike up on this hill right here behind me and perch up or get up on the perch and do some glass, and hopefully we Can find some bucks today and these guys can fling some arrows and put something on the ground. The rover is begging to have another deer put in the back of it.

So here we go HI guys. We just tried to put a little stock on me and Kenny here on a pretty cool buck. That’s the first buck we’ve seen over here! That’s guys on the road trying to call them. You hear that these guys down here on the there’s some guys coming up on the road. They must have seen him go up over the top of the ridge they’re over here, using a fawn in distress, trying to call him in anyways. We we just ran out of cover it. We come up over the top of the hill over here, and this bottom right here just opened wide up. They were there literally standing right here behind us originally, but from where we were originally from where we were to where they were probably 120 130. We tried to come over here a little bit more into the trees to cut over and even there we were still 120 110, butclose close just not in the right spot, and they were those were on us man. They were BAM, see that buck had no clue so keep going.

Let’s try again, yes, sir. Maybe we’ll go cut him off from this guy calling him well. They were stock number two. Our average is going up eventually we’ll put enough of these together and ducks. Well, Kenny over here is going to . Take let the air out of one of them a guy, can shoot like 165 yards. He can shoot. I didn’t say he could hit anything and back down to the rig now and go get on another point and do some more glossing. The boys are already there waiting for us. It was all Kenny’s fault. He can’t shoot 160 can’t hit anything at 165. He said, aim high and let her fly going. I seen him, oh you lock the door just kidding. Someone did yeah, even though I did I wouldn’t do that.

Hey guys alright, so we just got back to the ranch house from the morning. Hunt put a couple stalks on a couple: bucks seen a whole bunch deer. Today, it’s a lot better day than it yesterday was for sure we’re going to go and make some lunch and put a game plan together today or the evening hunt. I wanted to show you guys some of the elk sheds we got sitting around here lying in the fence. There’s some cool cool bulls in here like this one. Through that thing, awesome awesome, [, __ ]. They come off as head kind of goofy. Here’s that this one down here, I like this one too, probably off the same Bowl. It’s not but pretty similar. Look at that thing, that’s the bass, wild super-long and then there’s that stead up there on the roof got all of these here hanging on the fence.

As well, love sheds, as you guys know, touch and feel and play with all of them, so go get. Some lunch have an easy thing yet starving head and do another glass and spa do deal with that. Can’t even figure out how to open the doors I had to come. Do this one for him had to do that, one for him! You need me open your water for you. I don’t need to be a dehydrated Jaime. How do you feel about that? That’s exactly you look like a little Sun bud my burn hole red and face probably don’t get out much. No, please country you’re from Arizona and you’re , watching this tell me where I’m at and if you’re right the exact spot, if you’re right first one to do so I’ll, send you a decal there, you go 365, you ready set, go where we are you guys? No, no, no idea where, between Mexico and Utah, that’s the fair assumption. All right, you just got a tip just the tip.

What’s up guys, we are back in town after the evening hunt getting ready to have some grub back at the bonfire here in Chino Valley. Zach here had a close call tonight we almost had a deer dead and load it in the back of the Rover. Is that getting shut a door Kinney there? It goes yeah so almost almost closed, so we’ll make up for it in the morning Kenny you’re not going to . Let that happen again. Are you fine, Mike’s going to stick one tomorrow right Mike Mike’s, we got to get Mike calm down before we go in here. We don’t want to get kicked out, [, Music, ]! Thank you. Let’s see we’re going to get. I got chicken-fried steak the other night. I have to switch it up tonight, be jealous right there, some liver and onions steak guys we made it back to the ranch house, kicking back, relaxing and watching TV, get some showers and get too bad get up, and do it again tomorrow and hopefully tomorrow’s just As productive as it was today, we got to go on three different stocks and had a I almost had a buck killed tonight.

That close just didn’t didn’t happen so, but hey we got shot. We got to see some good deer. Today’s was a good day. So thanks for tuning in and following along guys, I appreciate it and please like comment and subscribe. Let me know what you guys think and what you got going. I love reading the comments and when I get chance I’ll comment back so thanks for everything and we’ll see you guys tomorrow, oh no way, that’s why I can funny


Hunting, Mule Deer, Elk, Antlers, Sheds,


Were So Close, Were So Close, Were So Close, Were So Close, Were So Close

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