When It Rains It Pours – Hunting In Mud
To the top I’ma, do it I’m headed to the top I’m aprove it and baby girl. I like what you do and your body’s out of sight when you move in you look just like my type. So let’s do you know I’ll treat you right. Let me prove it and like it go oh I’m going to be fine with every breath. Trust me imma, be the one that can’t good morning. It’s a beautiful Tuesday with lots of overcast and a storm pushing through on our south right. Here we tried to check the Doppler to see if it was going to hit us, so we got the rain gear packed up and a couple extra layers this time. Yep it’ll be good, though cuz, when it’s overcast you’re , not squinting the sun’s, not yeah I’ll pack. My sunglasses, squint yeah in our favor plus the shed, seemed to stick out a lot better in the overcast. In my opinion – and I do we do good with overcast age.
So I’m excited we’re going to go deeper into where we were last night. Just trying to look at the country there’s there’s no road access whatsoever where we’re heading, so hopefully that pays off for us on top of it, it’s right in the snow line about a week ago, so I know it’s kept a lot of guys out because of The snow we actually got a pickup down here on the road that we came in stuck, I mean buried. They either got stuck early this morning or yesterday, because we came out we’re in here Sunday and they weren’t there when we came out so don’t know where they’re at don’t know if they bailed and went and tried to figure out how to get out, went back Into town – or they just said screw it we’re going shut up, that’s what we would have done so yeah we’ll see in a bit later all right guys.
What’s up so just started raining on us, pretty good we’re about 20 minutes in and past five minutes. It’s picked up quite a bit rain wise, but I just come up on a little match set. Oh cute little guy, that’s a hard white set cool. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Little guy there you go guys just for comparison, not very big, but it’s a match set and it’s hard white in my arms all goofy. So we fix this so we’re going to keep Britain. I think Britt Britt just class one up too so she’s going to get that forgot that I don’t know she’s on the other side of hillford all right. Let’s keep going hopefully to roughen yeah we’re done good morning guys we are on our morning. Half of our hike probably been out for about 20 minutes, and I found shed across the canyon. It’s going to be off course for me to go, get it, but it’s obviously I can’t just leave it why I was blasting in the first place, you don’t blast where you don’t want to go so we’re going to go and get it and then get back On course and hope there you have it, I’m not, of course, from where I was looking it looked like. I was going to be off course for where he was headed, but apparently all was little, so oh they’re over on the other side at the top. Of course, Oh, Oh, No, there he is yeah buddy! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So the rain is. That is how you get it with us. A little more.
I’m going to put my pants on just so that the ones I have on don’t get wet and I get cold stay dry. Is the key staying and being able to keep going so I’m going to put these on and get reasonable manner, see they zip. So all you have to do is basically put on this top part. You don’t have to take your shoes off or anything, that’s what I love about these they’re really well insulated and dry, while still being like raining and that’s a good shed. Okay, we’re heading back to the check is we’re actually worried. Are you you? We are calling it quits, it’s probably two to thirty. It’s raining. It’s been raining all day, one! No! It was supposed to break for like an hour around one o’clock, and it didn’t do that so we’re concerned about getting out of here. So we decided to pack back to the truck and call it a day plus were pretty so yeah anyways. Let’s show you how we did today: Brett’s big old brown, pretty brown. I picked up that little set Britt picked up that horn. It actually kind of looks very similar to that buck almost like it could be a whole nother year off of him that little horn to that yeah. It’s pretty and I found a spike and lost it.
Well, I know where I said it when I started the glass, so maybe when we go back in there I’ll pick it up anyways. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for an awesome day, even though it rained on us all day, all right, we’re going to get in the truck and get dry. It off see you guys later getting into some dry clothes and down, as we spoke of earlier. That truck is stopped, there’s another one stuck so we just pulled over. We got a big ol mess here. No, I am just sitting in the truck sorry, I’m a musical little up, I’m not a whole lot of help in these scenarios, when trucks are buried. Ass deep into this freaking mud, I’m just a cheerleader cheering them on, and this could be a while stuck yes, Hey. We just got stuck to their unstuck dust, though
Hunting, Mule Deer, Elk, Antlers, Sheds,
When It Rains It Pours,
When It Rains It Pours,
When It Rains It Pours,
When It Rains It Pours,
When It Rains It Pours,
When It Rains It Pours